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Financial Services and Insurance

Financial services and Insurance Industry are getting faster into digital transformations and in the current world mostly the automation is focused on low level processes such as data handling and compliance checks.

Why Automation & Data Analytics

Industries have started to rethink on strategies and focus digitization and automation at operations level too to accelerate their productivity and provide more customer satisfaction. Over regulation, uncertain economic growth, cybersecurity, data privacy and speed of technology changes are threatening the reputation and profits. There is an intense focus on limiting costs, heavy consolidation, use of software bots and artificial intelligence to make operations more efficient and improve customer experience. Block chain and distributed ledger technologies would bring greater efficiency and security to the entire Banking and Financial Services industry and beyond.

Our Services

We take a holistic approach based on our years of experience in consulting and implementation towards;

  • Health and Maturity assessment of data environment
  • Strategy and Roadmap Definition
  • Secured Data management
  • Internet of Things
  • Predictive analytics
  • Machine learning and Automation
  • Cloud Journey
  • Cost optimization, agile delivery, CI/CD, and time-to-market solutions


Faster adoption to global compliance process

Faster adoption to global compliance process

Better productivity due to automation in operations

Better productivity due to automation in operations

Predictive analytics helps in making better business decisions

Predictive analytics helps in making better business decisions

Optimized infrastructure costs on Cloud movement

Optimized infrastructure costs on Cloud movement

Our Experience

Our Latest Insights Are On Top All Times

Financial Conglomerate in South Africa

Financial Conglomerate in South Africa

Business Scenario The customer is a diversified financial conglomerate focused on solutions in retail and corporate banking, asset finance and investment…

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3rd Largest Bank in South Africa

3rd Largest Bank in South Africa

  Business Scenario The customer is an international specialist banking and asset management group. They provide a range of financial products…

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