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3rd Largest Bank in South Africa


Business Scenario

The customer is an international specialist banking and asset management group.

They provide a range of financial products and services to a client base in three principal markets: the UK and Europe, Southern Africa, and Asia-Pacific. They are dual listed on the London Stock Exchange and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

Business Drivers

  • Increasing number of Control M jobs (700+)
  • Issues on Data integration of files from the provider
  • Packages are stored as File System and there are different versions of packages
  • Accumulation of SSRS reports and random Ad hoc Report Subscription requests
  • Limited knowledge on legacy data warehouses and its lineage
  • Redundant data storage
  • SLA Breaches due to data integrity (Sharing data of one customer to another customer)

Solution Highlights

  • Identifying a better scheduling tool which can save cost and perform better
  • Automation of Recon of data (which seems to be difficult)
  • Upgradation of packages and moving to SQL Server storage
  • Moving the reports to Power BI which is more interactive and enabling cubes to make to help users or customers build the reports reducing the Ad hoc requests
  • Identifying tools to understand the data lineage
  • Common Datawarehouse across bank which avoids data redundancy
  • Checks in place to avoid the bad sharing

Business Outcomes

  • Reduction of cost and improving the over all experience
  • Ensuring the security of customer data
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